Mexico’s “The Curse of Nostradamus Episodes”

“The Curse of Nostradamus” was a twelve chapter Mexican horror serial that was packaged as four separate movies. There were three episodes combined in each movie.

The curse of Nostradamus (Murray title)

1. The finger of destiny (“El dedo del destino”)
2. The book of centuries (“El libro de los siglos”)
3. The victims at night (“Las víctimas de la noche”)

The monsters demolisher (Murray title)

4. The destroyer of monsters ("El destructor de monstruos")
5. The student and the gallows ("El estudiante y la horca")
6. The empty coffin ("El ataúd vacío")

The genie of darkness (Murray title)

7. The genius of darkness ("El genio de las tinieblas")
8. Beyond life ("Más allá de la vida")
9. The son of the night ("El hijo de la noche")

The blood of Nostradamus (Murray title)

10. The apparition in the convent ("El aparecido en el convento")
11. The black bird ("El ave negra")
12. The last victim ("La última víctima")

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